All are welcome: UD Chapel of Immaculate Conception now open [Video]

Staff Report
After 14 months of being closed for $12 million in renovations, the University of Dayton Chapel of the Immaculate Conception was rededicated Sunday by the Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, auxiliary bishop of Cincinnati.
Sunday’s dedication was invitation only, but a daily Mass schedule open to the public has resumed. Faculty and staff will have opportunities to tour the chapel after a prayer service Wednesday morning.
Read More about the renovations HERE
Sunday’s rededication Mass began with Bishop Binzer, servers and others processing in, followed by the entire congregation singing the popular hymn, “All are Welcome.”
Following the procession and opening prayer, Bishop Binzer blessed the water in the baptismal font and proceeded to sprinkle holy water throughout the church and on the congregation before the Mass proceeded with the Liturgy of the Word.
In his homily, Bishop Binzer said the chapel is a centerpiece of the campus.
“It is truly the heart of the University of Dayton community,” he said. “Over decades Marianists have professed or renewed their vows, students or alumni have become engaged or professed their wedding vows in this chapel and some marianists and other members of the campus community have been eulogized from there.”
Later in the Mass the bishop anointed the altar with Holy Chrism oil and other ministers anointed the walls of the church. Incense was burned on the altar while Bishop Binzer censed it as well. Members of the congregation participated in the preparing and covering of the altar.
Bishop Binzer and the other ministers participated in lighting the candles around the chapel and at the altar. After the Liturgy of the Eucharist, when the Blessed Sacrament was placed in the tabernacle, the sanctuary lamp was lit as well.
At the end of Mass, Marianist Father James Fitz, Vice President for Mission and Rector of the University of Dayton thanked key members of the renovation process and explained some of the changes.
The University of Dayton contributed to this report.
Posted August 18, 2015