Respect Life calendar for 2017

By Gail Deibler Finke
Whether you’re looking for an at-home event to attend in solidarity with the March for Life in Washington, D.C., or you want to become a more active witness for the dignity of life throughout the year, Greater Cincinnati offers many ongoing seasonal, and one-time pro-life events all year long.
New participants are welcome to attend once, sporadically, or at every event. While most in Cincinnati are largely made up of Catholics, most in Greater Dayton are largely non-Catholic. All invite people of all (and no) faiths to witness for the dignity of life.
Weekly pro-life events:
Cenacle for Life at the Church of the Resurrection in Price Hill, Sundays 3-4 pm and at St. Joseph Church in Wapakoneta, Thursdays at 6:30 pm.
Based on a national model, Cenacles for Life are prayer groups that come together once a week for rosary and Eucharistic adoration. Members also agree to pray the rosary and fast to end abortion, euthanasia, and other sins against life.
Weekday Women’s Med Center prayer vigils in Sharonville Mondays from 8:30 am – 12:30 pm and Wednesdays from 12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Held on the grassy strip between the driveway for the abortion businesses and LaRosa’s pizzeria, these interfaith prayer vigils are open to all.
Saturday Morning Rosary at Women’s Med Center in Sharonville, 9:15 a.m. (first, fourth, and fifth Saturdays) or 9 a.m. (third and fourth Saturdays)
Parishes take turns leading the rosary on the grassy strip between the driveway for the abortion businesses and LaRosa’s pizzeria. All welcome to attend; to volunteer your group or parish call (513) 378-4262.
Saturday Morning Pro-Life Mass at Rosary Procession to Planned Parenthood in Mt. Auburn, 8:30 am.
Sponsored by three different groups, these events share the same format: A Mass with prayers for Life with visiting priest or one of our area bishps, followed by a procession with a statue of the Virgin Mary. People who cannot walk can remain in the church praying during the procession.
First and third Saturdays: sponsored by Helpers of God’s Precious Infants, a national, Eucharist-centered pro-life group
Second and Fourth Saturdays: sponsored by Mary’s Mantle
Fifth Saturdays: Sponsored by Life’s Fifth Quarter, a youth-focused pro-life group headquartered at Covington Catholic High School. All area schools and home-school families are especially invited to participate.
Monthly pro-life events:
Second Saturday Pro-Life Mass and Rosary Procession to Planned Parenthood at St. Teresa of Avila Church in Western Hills, 8:30 a.m.
Sponsored by Helpers of God’s Precious Infants, a national Eucharistic-centered pro-life group. The procession is the Western Hills clinic, which refers women to the Mt. Auburn building for abortions.
Third Friday Pro-Life Mass at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center in Norwood, noon
First Saturday Pro-Life Rosary and Mass at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center in Norwood, 9 a.m.
Mass is followed by coffee and a speaker. For information call (513) 351-9800.
First Saturday Couples for Christ Rosary for Life at All Saints Church in Montgomery at 2 p.m.
Second Wednesday Witness for Life Prayer Vigil at Planned Parenthood in Mt. Auburn, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Sponsored by St. Vincent Ferrer Church in Kenwood; all welcome
Last Friday Evening 40 Days for Life Interim Prayer Vigil at Planned Parenthood in Mt. Auburn, 7 p.m.
Held on the last Friday of the month in every month between 40 Days for Life prayer vigils; led by a guest priest or pro-life leader. See for information.
40 Days for Life Spring Campaign – March 1 – Easter
An international 40-day prayer vigil at abortion businesses around the world, 40 Days for Life vigils are split into one-hour shifts. Individuals and groups commit to at least one, one-hour shift of peaceful prayer for mothers, children, families, and the conversion of abortion business workers. Each vigil usually has several additional events including a kickoff and closing rally. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has three vigils at the region’s three abortion businesses in Cincinnati, Kettering/Datyon, and Sharonville. For information or to sign up see:
Cincinnati sign up:
Sharonville: (spring page still being set up)
Dayton sign up:
April 26: Pregnancy Center East Annual spring fundraising dinner: this year, featuring speaker Coach Lou Holtz. Call (513) 321-3100 for information.
April 26: Pregnancy Center West preview night at the Covedale Theater. See a preview of “My Fair Lady;” ticket price benefits PCW. For information see
April 27: Life Forward Pregnancy Care annual gala at the Sharonville Convention Center, 5:15 p.m..featuring speaker Bob Russell of Bob Russell Ministries. For information call ( 513) 487-7777.
May 13: Life Forward Pregnancy Care second annual volleyball tournament at 50 West Productions near Mariemont. Teams of 6 or 8 compete; food and music. To register or for information call (513) 487-7777.
May 23: Pregnancy Center West prviewht at the Incline Theater in West Price Hlll. See a preview of “Damn Yankees;” ticket price benefits PCW. For information see
June 17: Cross the Bridge for Life
Gather at the Festival Grounds in Newport, Ky., for this annual celebration of life sponsored by a coalition of pro-life and pro-family groups on both sides of the Ohio River, including the Diocese of Covington and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Speaker, music, food, and children’s activities accompany the signature event: a celebratory walk across the Purple People Bridge and back. For information see
July: Dayton Right to Life T.K. Hausfeld Ride for Life and festival (date to be determined). Distance cycle race on Dayton’s bike trail, followed by family festival.
July: Dayton Right to Life UD to ND Ride for Life (dates to come). Annual three-day cycle ride from the University of Dayton to Notre Dame University.
August: Annual fundraising banquet for Pregnancy Center West at St. Antoninus church. Speaker and date to come. For information see
September 9: National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children
Sponsored by the national pro-life groups Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, Priests for Life and the Pro-Life Action League, this day of observation at cemeteries and memorials for the unborn was marked in 2016 with events at Gate of Heaven Cemetery In Cincinnati; Woodland Cemetery in Dayton; Mary, Help of Christians Church in Fairborn; and other parishes.
Sept. 15: Annual Pregnancy Center West golf outing. For information see
Sept. 21: Ruah Woods Banquet: Annual fall fundraising dinner with speaker, details to come.
October (date TBD): Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity
Created by Bryan Kemper of Troy-based Stand True Pro-Life xxx and Priests for Life,and sponsored by Students for Life of America, this school-based day of protest was inspired by similar events for progressive causes. Pro-life students at schools around the country mark this day by remaining silent in solidarity with the unborn, who have no voice in their fate. Some wear red armbands and cover their mouths with red duct tape.
October: Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati annual fall dinner, awards ceremony, and pro-life speaker. Details to come. For information call (513) 728-7870.
November 3: Miami Valley Women’s Center annual fundraising gala, details to come. For information call (937) 298-9998.
November 4: Cincinnati Pro-Life Saver 5K Run/Walk and Kids Dash at Lunken Airport Playfield, 10:30 a.m.
Sponsored by Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati, a family-friendly 5K with chip timing for competitive runners and walkers; music, food, children’s activities, basket raffle, more. Held annually since 1983. For information see
Elizabeth’s New Life Center fall fundraising dinners in Piqua/Sidney area and Northern Cincinnati area; details to come. For information call (937) 226-7414.
Pregnancy Center West annual fundraising fall dinner and speaker, details to come. For information call (513) 549-5041.
Additional Events:
For one-time events including special rallies, press conferences, protests, and other events as they are scheduled, see Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati at and click “events.”
Is your event missing? Let us know and we’ll add it Send details to Gail at [email protected].