Advent Reflections by our Seminarians
December 25th, Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord – Christmas
Deacon Ambrose Dobrozsi
The great time of waiting is over. Christmas has finally come! The time of darkness is at an end, and the light of Christ has entered the world to change it forever. What Isaiah declared in prophetic anticipation is now fulfilled, “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone. You have brought them abundant joy and great rejoicing, as they rejoice before you.” (9:1-2) The Lord has visited His people, and the whole history of the world can never be the same. In a sense, the world no longer revolves around the son, but around the Son and his Gospel of freedom.
On this day of rejoicing, we are called to look for the highest joy. Christian tradition has constantly taught that deep spiritual prayer, meditating directly on God in himself in the silence of our hearts, is the greatest joy possible to human beings and the goal of our prayer lives. When the soul looks up to God in meditation, and God grants the soul a moment of light revealing himself, this is called contemplation. It requires careful attention and devotion, but it is ultimately a gift of God freely bestowed upon us, and not the work of our own spirit. It brings a joy to the soul that completely fills it with peace and satisfaction in God.
This feast of Christmas is a perfect opportunity to seek this gift from the Lord. In the business of celebration, and parties, and masses, and presents, do not forget to take time in silence to contemplate the mystery of God-made-man, Jesus Christ, born today to save you. Like St. Joseph did with Mary at the manger, look into the face of the Lord and seek in that face all of your joys, all of your hopes, and the fullness of divine love.
May God grant you a merry Christmas, and a blessed new life in Jesus Christ, our God come to earth on this day.