Abide Conference set for June 13 through June 17
What is Abide? Simply put Abide, through personal accompaniment, forms and commissions high school youth to root their lives in Christ through His Church, and to share this Christian joy with others as missionary disciples. Abide’s pinnacle experience presents a unique opportunity: to go into the world as a missionary disciple. They do this by going to downtown Cincinnati to meet thier neighbors and share the abundance of love and joy that results from a life rooted in discipleship. Abide attendees experience what it means to live a life so infused with Christian joy, that it leaves no other option but to be a gift for others. Abide begins on Wednesday June 13 and ends on Sunday June 17.
Check out the video on this amazing experience:
For more information on Abide and to register, go to https://www.viaabide.org/
Scenes from Abide 2017.