A picture says a thousand words: St. Vincent de Paul annual RetroFittings
St. Vincent de Paul hosted their 16th annual RetroFittings on October 18, 2018: a fashion show that featured the designs of University of Cincinnati’s Design, Architecture, Art and Planning (DAAP) program! Students from DAAP shop in any of the seven St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Stores with a budget of $15, turning items they find in the stores into runway fashion.
Together, St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati and DAAP teamed up to showcase the original fashions of more than 70 talented sophomore students from the University of Cincinnati’s top-ranked fashion program. RetroFittings also featured an on-site boutique with items from their thrift stores, as well as silent and live auctions and raffles. All proceeds from the event support the many programs of St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati, helping our neighbors in need.
RetroFittings proves that a good cause never goes out of style!