A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words: Young Men’s Procession in Russia

By Gail Finke
Young men in St. Remy Church, Russia, benefit from a tangible brotherhood. The parish group for high school boys, the Brotherhood of Virtue, meets monthly for activities such as kayaking and paintball, as well as for traditional youth group activities including prayer and service.
Once a year, on the Monday of Holy Week, they take their faith to the streets of Russia for the Brotherhood Stations of the Cross.
“We had the Cross made,” said youth minister Mark Travis. “It weighs about 400 pounds. We wanted it to be heavy, so that it would take more than one to carry it. Before we start I remind them that we help each other to grow closer to Christ, ad to help each other carry the Cross.”
After walking around the town and stopping along the way to pray the stations, the Brotherhood ends the walk in front of the church “because the tabernacle is inside, and the resurrection of Christ is to come,” Travis said. “Then we go into the church to pray.”
Parishioners who saw the Brotherhood walk were quick to comment on the parish Facebook page. “This is so inspiring to drive by,” said Maria York Hoehne, who provided the photos. “Thanks to all the faithful young men of the parish!”
“I was very inspired by those young people when I saw them on Main Street,” wrote another parishioner. “Great witness to our faith.”
T event is a highlight of the year for the young men, Travis said. “The boys demonstrate what it means to be in a ‘Brotherhood’ –rooted in God while helping each other ‘carry the cross.’”