A Thriving Habitat
The famous line from the movie Field of Dreams is, “If you build it, he will come.” Such was Chris and Chuck Schell’s mindset when they transformed two-and-a-half acres of lawn into one point seven acres of prairie for pollinators and other wildlife.
Although born and raised in Chicago, they share a deep appreciation of the outdoors and nature.
“We camped often in Wisconsin, and then we took our children exploring Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and the Smokies,” said Chris. Married 52 years, she and Chuck have three children and three grandchildren. They moved from Chicago to Loveland in 1990 and joined St. Columban parish. “We purchased our five-acre property in Goshen in 2014, so we’ve been there 10 years now,” Chris said. “Chuck took a class on ‘how to turn your yard into a prairie,’ and that’s what started the venture.”
With guidance from a native landscape designer, Chuck developed a planting plan and established the prairie. In 2018, the couple became Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalists (OCVN) through Ohio State University and the Cincinnati Nature Center, deepening their commitment to supporting pollinators, migratory birds and butterflies through native plants. Chuck also clears invasive species, like honeysuckle, multiflora rose and Bradford pears, to create woodland paths and enhance the environment.
“Chuck was weary of the never-ending cycle of lawn care: cut the grass, fertilize, treat weeds, rake and then repeat the process,” said Chris. “We became aware of the ongoing loss of native habitat and decided to turn most of the … lawn into native prairie, incorporating grasses, wildflowers, shrubs and trees. We read the Pope’s encyclical in 2015 and studied it together at St. Columban. We have always been very conscious of climate change and active in our personal living style toward conservation.”
The transformed landscape has become a thriving habitat for many species. And last fall, an entomologist discovered an endangered bumblebee in the couple’s prairie wildflowers, further encouraging their efforts to restore native habitats.
The Schells’ passion to care for God’s creation extends to their communities, both in and beyond their church. Chris has been a member of the Care for Creation Task Force since its founding in 2005, by Tony Stieritz and Sister Leanne Jablonski, to promote environmental stewardship within the archdiocese. Inspired by the Laudato Si’ encyclical and Action Plan (LSAP), Chris helped launch a community garden at St. Columban with support from the Pastoral Council and Social Action Commission. In its first year, Eagle Scouts built a shed and raised beds, and parishioners helped harvest over 250 pounds of produce, 85% of which was donated to St. Vincent de Paul and the LIFE (Loveland Interfaith Effort) food pantry.
In 2018, St. Columban was honored as a Laudato Si Community when their youth group put on an environmental skit and collected litter from the creek and roads around St. Columban. Now, the parish participates in LSAP.
“We are all connected. We are all part of this magnificent ecosystem,” said Chris. “And just like in the Body of Christ, when one part hurts, the whole body suffers. Our earth is groaning and begging us to care.”
Find more information and pictures on the Archdiocesan LSAP page at: https://resources.catholicaoc.org/offices/catholic-social-action/catholic-social- teaching/laudato-si-main.
This article appeared in the February 2025 edition of The Catholic Telegraph Magazine. For your complimentary subscription, click here.