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Out and About in the Archdiocese for December 2024

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1) All Saints Day at Royalmont Academy in Mason celebrated All Saints Day with costumes and presentations in grades PreK through eighth. May the example of these saints inspire our students. As the school’s chaplain, Father Jesus, reminds them: we are all saints in the making!

2) SUA and St. X Traveled to D.C.
Saint Ursula Academy students traveled with St. Xavier High School students to Washington, D.C. for the 27th annual Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice. Schools and parishes from around the country come together to learn about a variety of social justice topics and hold meetings with elected officials to advocate for change.

3) Sister Dorothy Stang Exhibit
The congregation of Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur is honoring Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN, with a new exhibit in the Ohio province museum. Sister Stang was 73 when she was murdered to silence her opposition to Amazon deforestation and the brutal treatment of subsistence farmers in Brazil. To mark the 20th anniversary of her death, items never before displayed can be viewed to tell the story of the life she lived.

4) Veterans Day Piqua Catholic School celebrated Veterans Day beginning with Mass, followed by breakfast in the cafeteria. Father Eric Bowman, who is also a veteran spoke of his days in the service saying: “At basic training it’s coming together as a unit or squad with your brother or sister on either side of you. We are called to work and journey with each other.”

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