Father David Doseck: Eaton Priest’s Vocation Formed & Forged by Childhood Examples
by Mark Danis
Father David Doseck remembers knowing as a child that Jesus Christ was a real person. He also knew Jesus loved him. Today, encountering love is the heart of this busy priest’s lifelong vocation.
Father Doseck is the Pastor of St. Mary Church in Camden, St. John Church in New Paris and Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Eaton. When asked about the greatest challenge he faces, he describes maintaining the delicate balance of uniting three communities while retaining the distinct and beautiful history of each individual parish. He also humbly acknowledges his own steep learning curve as a relatively new pastor.
“I am still learning the things that a more experienced pastor would already know,” said Father Doseck.
Through it all, he is guided by a clear vision of his priestly calling. This vision was formed and forged by the examples and experiences of his own childhood.
“I remember good and holy priests growing up. Mom and Dad would invite them to our house for dinner and other family gatherings.”
When asked how these men helped shape his priesthood, he offers this description of the priests he encountered as a boy, “The priest was seen as a man of prayer, but also a man of common sense, a man willing to be with people in all different walks of life.” Father Doseck’s
perspective closely resembles that of Pope Francis, who asks his priests to, “be shepherds with the smell of sheep.”
Father Doseck also credits his own family’s influence. As the fourth of five children, he recalls his parents gathering him and his two brothers and two sisters every evening to pray.
His years as a student at Botkins High School were spent pursuing the same desires and ambitions as many young men. He wanted to be a good athlete, find a high-paying career and, according to him, be famous. But two memorable events helped redirect the focus of his future plans.
As a high school sophomore, he went on retreat. After receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, he describes a profound experience of, “resting in and desiring to do the Father’s will.” It was in that moment he first considered the possibility of becoming a priest. Later, he completed undergraduate studies in philosophy at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, OH, and Theological studies at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology in Cincinnati. This was where the second incident occurred.
On the day of his ordination in 2017, his older brother, Josh, approached him and said, “David I have seen you happy at other times, but today you seem truly joyful.” Father Doseck recalled his exact response, “That is because I am what God is calling me to be: a priest forever!”
Today, Father Doseck’s greatest joy is in helping people experience and be part of the Church’s mission of proclaiming the Good News
that we are each loved eternally. He describes his approach this way: “To be with the people in my parishes – at family gatherings, on a fishing boat, in the farm fields or barn stalls, at the sports arenas or ball diamonds, gathered together at the Altar of Sacrifice, visiting the sick and elderly, or comforting a grieving family. To sum it up, it is my joy to be united to Christ in His love for His people.”
Father Doseck explained that the joy he experiences in being with the people of his parishes stems from his earliest desire for the priesthood, “To love others as Christ would want to love them.”
This article originally appeared in the July edition of The Catholic Telegraph Magazine. To receive your complimentary subscription, click here.