Revealing the Heart of Christ: Archdiocese Awards Respect Life Award to Tensing and Boyd
by Kara Ross
Each year, the Archdiocesan Office for Respect Life Ministries honors two people who embody the call to… “proclaim that human life is a precious gift from God” through their work in the Respect Life arena. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr celebrates these two individuals and presents them with the Respect Life Award at the Respect Life Mass.
This year, the honorees were Sister Judy Tensing, SNDdN, and Mary Anne Boyd. Both women work everyday to help those on the fringes of the Church and the culture find welcome, dignity and peace in the arms of our loving God.
Sister Judy Tensing
Sister Judy is a founder of Power Inspires Progress (PIP), an organization that helps people who face obstacles to gainful employment and who desire to rise above their past circumstances to create a new lives for themselves. PIP currently runs the Venice on Vine Pizzeria and Venice Catering, both of which offer paid training opportunities for members of the community. These men and women receive not only practical skills for jobs in the food service industry, but also community and support to build new lives for themselves.
Mary Anne Boyd, who nominated Sister Judy, said, “Like Christ, she feeds and serves every day… she is truly Christ to others and sees the face of Christ in those she serves.”
Mary Anne Boyd
Mary Anne Boyd was instrumental in the implementation of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Project Rachel Ministry in 1994. Since Archbishop Emeritus Pilarczyk asked her to take the lead on the ministry, she has helped hundreds of women and men have found mercy and healing in the heart of Christ and in the love of His Church.
Since her retirement, Mary Anne has continued to support the ministry by volunteering as a key member of the archdiocesan Project Rachel leadership team. She has helped to design retreats, days of reflection, and support groups that lead those suffering the pain and regret of a past abortion experience to healing and hope in the sacraments.
Colleen Gerke, one of many who nominated Mary Anne for this award, calls her “a well-rounded advocate for life who is passionate and well versed in all life issues and has responded in a wide array of ministries from one-onone, to small group and large group encounters.”
Revealing the Heart of Christ
Both Mary Anne and Sister Judy reveal the heart of Christ to those they serve. When faced with a difficult situation, both women have the gift to see the man or woman who needs love and mercy that can only come from God. Like Christ, they do not avoid the uncomfortable, but rather, face it head on to bring healing and grace where it is most needed.
Nine people were nominated for this year’s award and all received certificates at the Respect Life Mass.