Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center - Women's Lenten Retreat
Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center - Women's Lenten Retreat3:53 pm -
Friday, March 13-Sunday March 15, 2015, Ladies! Please join us for a Lenten women's retreat - take time from your busy schedules to reflect with retreat master Elizabeth Ficocelli (award winning author and radio personality) on "Becoming Women of Virtue with the Help of Saints Bernadette, Faustina and Therese". Cost: $160 includes 2 nights stay, 4 meals, retreat talks, daily Mass and more. Location: Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center; 5440 Moeller Avenue; Norwood. Details and registration by calling 513-351-9800, ext. 305 or at www.olhsc.org under the activities button. Advance registration necessary.