40 Days for Life campaign needs you

The spring 40 Days for Life campaign runs officially from Ash Wednesday (Feb. 10) to Palm Sunday (March 20), but it kicked off with a special events the preceding weekend in both Cincinnati and Dayton.
During the 40 Days for Life vigil a prayerful presence is maintained from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. outside abortion clinics around the nation in an effort to end abortion. Both the Cincinnati and Dayton vigils are in need of more volunteers to sign up to pray during scheduled hours.
In Cincinnati, the vigil takes place outside the Planned Parenthood on Auburn Avenue. Parking is available on side streets or at Holy Name Church, 2 blocks north of Planned Parenthood on Auburn Avenue. For further information, visit the Cincinnati 40 Days for Life website or contact Mary Clark at [email protected].
In Dayton the vigil is outside the Women’s Medical Center on Stroop Road. For more information, see the Dayton 40 Days for Life website or contact Holly Kistler at 937-885-2952 or [email protected].