The 11th annual Cross the Bridge for Life event will bring more than 4,000 tri-state residents to Newport’s Riverfront Row festival area, Sunday, June 5, 2016 in a show of support for the sanctity of human life at every age, religious liberty and conscience rights.
This event moved to Newport’s Riverfront Row last year due to the event’s increase in size.
All are invited to participate as thousands of people cross the Purple People Bridge and fill it with the joy of life.
Festivities begin at 1 p.m. including music by Easter Rising band, face painting, balloon artists, free picnic, and more.
The walk begins after a brief program at 2 p.m. featuring emcee Anna Mitchell, News Director and Producer for Sacred Heart Radio/EWTN; plus the Most Reverend Joseph Binzer, Archdiocese of Cincinnati; the Most Reverend Roger Foys, Diocese of Covington; and Jackie Vezina, Lutherans for Life, Life Chapter President in Northern Kentucky.
Bagpipers from the Ancient Order of Hibernians will once again lead walkers across the bridge. The event will end back at Riverfront Row with a free picnic by JTM Food Group, and more music by Easter Rising. Several food trucks will also have treats for purchase.
A coalition of more than 20 area pro-life organizations presents Cross the Bridge for Life — a positive, family-friendly event for the entire community. For more information, see the newly redesigned CrossTheBridgeForLife.com.
Press Release