Rite of Election Ancient Liturgy welcomes catechumens
The ancient Rite of Election for unbaptized people and the Call to Continuing Conversion for people baptized in other Christian traditions are celebrated together on the First Sunday of Lent. Below are some pictures of the event. Keep the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Catechumens in your prayers as they prepare for Easter Vigil and full reception into the church.

Scripture Connection: During the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John. the son of Zechariah in the desert. He went throughout [the] whole region of the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, as it is written in the book of the words of the prophet Isaiah: “A voice of one crying out in the desert: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.” For Luke’s Scripture, click here