Friday Photo: Behind the scenes on Food for All

Staff Report
You’re probably familiar with Food for All, but if not, you will be soon. A creative branding effort, featuring a fish and bread, the campaign name, and the slogan Be Multiplied, the branding calls to mind Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000 with only five loaves of bread and two fish. The feeding of the 5,000 is the only miracle of Christ to appear in all four Gospels.
The creative minds behind the branding are the people at HyperQuake, a Cincinnati-based brand evolution agency. HyperQuake did the design work on Food for All, and also on the Defeat Hunger 5K Obstacle Course logos, at reduced cost for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Today’s Friday Photo is from a thank you-visit paid to the HyperQuake offices by Auxiliary Bishop of Cincinnati Joseph R. Binzer and other archdiocese staff on Tuesday, July 21.
Bishop Binzer, Director of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Office of the New Evangelization Sean Ater, and marketing advisor Mimi London delivered a basket of t-shirts bearing the campaign designs as well as bags of Swedish Fish candy.
“Hyperquake was extremely generous with their time and talent in crafting the branding around the Food for All Campaign and the Defeat Hunger Obstacle Run,” Ater said. “It was truly a gift to the archdiocese and it personally was a pleasure working with such talented, energetic and faithful people.”

In the photo above, those pictured smile at Bishop Binzer moments after taking a group photo. If you’re a fan of the standard group photo where everyone is looking at the camera, we’ve included that as well at right.
Inspired by Pope Francis’s call to action to end hunger by 2025 and in conjunction with his visit to Philadelphia in September, Food for All is an Archdiocesan collaborative effort including many organizations. The goal is 1,000,000 food items pledged and the effort is being noted for its creative design.
For more information on how you can get involved, visit
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Welcome to Friday Photo. A post where The Catholic Telegraph staff select an image that shows the vibrant life of the faith community in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, and around the world. To submit a photo for consideration, email John Stegeman with “Friday Photo” in the subject line.
Posted July 24, 2015