Back to school: Complete list of first days for Catholic schools

Staff Report
As we reach the middle of August, students and parents throughout the 19 counties of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are preparing for the children to head back to school. Here’s a look at the first day of school for all the schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.
Elementary SchoolAll Saints | Start Date8/18/15 |
Annunciation | 9/1/15 |
Ascension | 8/19/15 |
Bishop Leibold Consolidated | 8/19/15 |
Cardinal Pacelli | 8/19/15 |
Catholic Central Elementary | 8/24/15 |
Corryville Catholic | 9/1/15 |
Good Shepherd Montessori | 8/25/15 |
Guardian Angels | 8/20/15 |
Holy Angels – Dayton | 8/19/15 |
Holy Angels – Sydney | 8/18/16 |
Holy Family | 8/19/15 |
Holy Rosary | 8/24/15 |
Immaculate Conception – Celina | 8/25/15 |
Immaculate Conception – Dayton | 8/19/15 |
Immaculate Heart of Mary | 8/19/15 |
Incarnation | 8/18/15 |
John XXIII | 8/20/15 |
John Paul II | 8/25/15 |
Mary, Queen of Peace | 8/26/15 |
Mercy Montessori Center | 8/19/15 |
Mother Brunner | 8/20/15 |
Mother Teresa | 8/26/15 |
Nativity of Our Lord | 8/25/15 |
Our Lady of Grace | 8/25/15 |
Our Lady of Lourdes | 8/19/15 |
Our Lady of the Rosary | 8/12/15 |
Our Lady of Victory | 8/25/15 |
Our Lady of Visitation | 8/26/15 |
Piqua Catholic | 8/18/15 |
Queen of Peace | 8/31/15 |
Resurrection | 8/25/15 |
Royalmont Academy | 8/19/15 |
St. Albert the Great | 8/19/15 |
St. Aloysius Gonzaga | 8/26/15 |
St. Aloysius on-the-Ohio | 8/19/15 |
St. Andrew/St. Elizabeth Ann Seton | 8/20/15 |
St. Ann | 8/24/15 |
St. Anthony | 8/19/15 |
St. Antoninus | 8/25/15 |
St. Benedict the Moor | 8/17/15 |
St. Bernadette | 8/26/15 |
St. Bernard | 8/26/15 |
St. Boniface | 8/18/15 |
St. Brigid | 8/26/15 |
St. Catharine of Siena | 8/26/15 |
St. Cecilia | 8/25/15 |
St. Charles Borromeo | 8/24/15 |
St. Christopher | 8/26/15 |
St. Clement | 8/24/15 |
St. Columban | 8/20/15 |
St. Dominic | 8/26/15 |
St. Francis de Sales – Cincinnati | 8/19/15 |
St. Francis de Sales – Lebanon | 8/20/15 |
St. Francis Seraph | 8/19/15 |
St. Gabriel Consolidated | 8/18/15 |
St. Gertrude | 8/24/15 |
St. Helen | 8/19/15 |
St. Ignatius Loyola | 8/17/15 |
St. James the Greater | 8/26/15 |
St. John the Baptist – Dry Ridge | 8/26/15 |
St. John the Baptist – Harrison | 8/18/15 |
St. Joseph – Cincinnati | 8/18/15 |
St. Joseph Consolidated | 9/1/15 |
St. Jude | 8/27/15 |
St. Lawrence | 8/25/15 |
St. Louis | 8/19/15 |
St. Luke | 8/25/15 |
St. Margaret of York | 8/20/15 |
St. Martin of Tours | 8/27/15 |
St. Mary – Greenville | 9/1/15 |
St. Mary Hillsboro | 8/19/15 |
St. Mary Hyde Park | 8/27/15 |
St. Michael | 8/20/15 |
St. Michael Consolidated – Ripley | 8/24/15 |
St. Nicholas Academy | 8/19/15 |
St. Patrick | 8/18/15 |
St. Peter | 8/18/15 |
St. Peter in Chains | 9/2/15 |
St. Rita School for the Deaf | 8/31/15 |
St. Susanna | 8/19/15 |
St. Teresa of Avila | 8/20/15 |
St. Thomas More | 8/20/15 |
St. Ursula Villa | 9/2/15 |
St. Veronica | 9/2/15 |
St. Vincent Ferrer | 8/19/15 |
St. Vivian | 8/19/15 |
St. William | 8/27/15 |
Sts. Peter and Paul | 8/25/15 |
Summit Country Day | 9/1/15 |
HIGH SCHOOLS | First Day of Class |
Archbishop Alter High School | 8/18/15 |
Badin High School | 8/20/15 |
Carroll High School | 8/17/15 |
Catholic Central Elementary | 8/24/15 |
Catholic Central Junior/Senior High School | 8/24/15 |
Chaminade-Julienne High School | 8/12/15 |
DePaul Cristo Rey | 8/24/15 |
Elder High School | 8/26/15 |
Fenwick High School | 8/12/15 |
LaSalle High School | 8/21/15 |
Lehman High School | 8/18/15 |
McAuley High School | 8/11/15 |
McNicholas High School | 8/19/15 |
Moeller High School | 8/19/15 |
Mother of Mercy High School | 8/21/15 |
Mt. Notre Dame High School | 8/24/15 |
Purcell Marian High School | 8/19/15 |
Roger Bacon High School | 8/31/15 |
Royalmont Academy | 8/19/15 |
Seton High School | 8/14/15 |
St. Rita School for the Deaf | 8/31/15 |
St. Ursula Academy | 8/7/15 |
St. Xavier High School | 8/13/15 |
Summit Country Day – Secondary | 9/1/15 |
Ursuline Academy | 8/24/15 |
Posted Aug. 12, 2015